This website was developed to connect people with information about mental health and suicide prevention and improve pathways to mental health services that meet their immediate needs. It is designed for people experiencing mental health problems and their carers, who are living the Northern Territory.
The website provides an online point of reference that connects people to doctors, remote health services and local community mental health services. The site leverages off current web infrastructure with a simple interface that makes it easy to find the most relevant information.
The site has been developed by the Northern Territory Primary Health Network, Aboriginal Medical Services Alliance Northern Territory and Northern Territory Health in collaboration with mental health consumers and carers.
Please note we are not a crisis support service. If you require immediate emergency assistance, please call 000 or contact Lifeline on 13 11 14 (available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week).
If you have any enquiries about the site, please contact NT PHN on 08 8982 1000 or