If you are unsure or would like some help to find a service that is right for you, contact the service navigation line at Head to Health
Provides culturally appropriate, comprehensive primary health care and community services to Biluru (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) people in the Yilli Rreung (greater Darwin) region of the Northern Territory.
They provide:
Phone: 08 8942 5400
Website: www.ddhs.org.au
Works with people who are having difficulties with alcohol, other drugs, gambling and related mental health concerns. Also provides counselling to family members or friends of a person who appears to be experiencing harms from their behaviour.
Phone: (08) 8944 6565
Website: www.amity.org.au
Cost: Free
Local organisation providing responsive services and targeted advocacy for the people of the Northern Territory.
Through the Resolve service, qualified counsellors work with families, couples and individuals to explore solutions to personal and relationship problems and other challenges.
Tailored sessions can be arranged for children and young people following the principles of Child Focused Practice.
Website: www.anglicare-nt.org.au
Phone: (08) 8946 4800
Cost: Fees will be negotiated at your first appointment.
Offer a range of services for adults and families and youth. CAAPS proudly provides support around:
Phone: (08) 8922 4800
1800 894 800 - Free call (NT Only)
Website: www.caaps.org.au
Cost: Free
Provides free and confidential counselling for women and children (girls and boys aged 5 to 17) who have experienced sexual assault at any time in their lives.
Phone: (08) 8945 0155
Website: https://rubygaea.net.au/
Strengthening and empowering people and communities to make difficult situations more manageable. They provide a wide range of support such as:
Phone: 08 8944 2000
Website: www.catholiccarent.org.au
Cost: Free
Offers programs that support mental health and wellbeing for individuals and communities. These include early intervention services, crisis support, and case management for people who are experiencing mental health issues or at risk of developing mental health challenges. Services include:
Phone: NT Office: 08 8935 0900
Website: www.missionaustralia.com.au
Cost: Free
Darwin Medicare Mental Health Centre is a safe, welcoming and inclusive support service for those experiencing challenges with their mental health, as well as their families and carers. They provide:
Phone: (08) 8914 6600
Website: https://www.neaminational.org.au/services/darwin-head-to-health/
Cost: Free
Programs are aimed at preventing the transmission of blood borne viruses and have been developed to provide services, support and preventative initiatives with and for their priority
populations. Services include:
Phone: (08) 8944 7777 - Darwin
(08) 8953 3172 - Alice Springs
Website: www.ntahc.org.au
Cost: Free
Offers a range of counselling and wellbeing services across the Northern Territory, designed to deliver informal, easily accessible and culturally appropriate support to empower a positive understanding and attitude towards better life choices. Supports include:
Phone: 08 7915 7001
Website: www.saltbushnt.org.au
Cost: Free
TeamHEALTH have a variety of supports available for adults aged 16 to 65 who are living with a mental illness or are experiencing mental health concerns. Support programs include:
Phone: 08 8943 9600
Website: www.teamhealth.asn.au
Cost: Free
Provides counselling and human resource consulting to improve productivity and well-being in Northern Territory organisations.
Services include:
Phone: 08 8941 1752
Website: www.easa.org.au
Cost: Fees depends on individual circumstances
MIFANT provides recovery-based support to people with a mental illness, their families and carers and also early intervention to children and young people at risk of developing a mental illness.
MIFANT also provide a range of NDIS services for people with a mental illness including:
Phone: 08 8948 1051
Website: www.mifant.org.au
Cost: Free
DIMS began as a Family Violence Prevention and Healing program, that established into an organisation that has Indigenous male staff delivering programs and services to Indigenous male clients to help improve their social and emotional well-being. Supports include:
Phone: 08 8947 7188
Website: www.dims.org.au
Cost: Free
Offers a range of counselling, mediation and well-being supports. Services include:
Phone: 1300 458 600
Website: www.nt.relationships.org.au
Cost: Subsidised on income sliding scale
The Mates4Mates Veteran & Family Wellbeing Centre in Stuart Park, includes clinical services, a gym, a veterans’ lounge, as well as a space for social connection activities. Local ex-service organisations also deliver services within the centre, providing an easier approach for veterans and their families to receive more support, more often.
Phone: 08 7943 2800
Website: www.mates4mates.org
Cost: Free for veterans and their families
Provides mental health and wellbeing support to anyone who has served at least one day of continuous fulltime service in the ADF and their immediate families.
Open Arms also offers a range of free group programs to assist the serving and ex-serving community, as well as their families.
Support available 24 hours a day.
Phone: 1800 011 046
Website: www.openarms.gov.au
Cost: Free for veterans and their families
Organisation delivering holistic support services that enable current and former Australian Defence Force personnel, and their families, to lead meaningful civilian lives
Provides free programs and services around:
Phone: 1300 620 380
Website: www.soldieron.org.au
Cost: Free for veterans and their families
headspace Darwin provides 'no wrong door' advice and support for young people aged 12 to 25 in the Darwin and Palmerston region. By registering for support, you will receive contact to discuss your options whether that be at headspace Darwin or within our community. Can support with:
Website: www.headspace.org.au/darwin
Phone: (08) 8931 5999
Fee: Free
First Nations led business that blends the life experiences of its mentors with leading edge trauma informed neuroscience.
Gaining the ability to reflect and regulate to make decisions and using stress to build resilience is a key component of session delivery. Uses basketball to interact and give some life lessons. Additional information:
Phone: 0431 428 767
Website: www.hoops4health.org
Fee: Fee for service - please call for more information.
Provides support to Territorians through the experience and grief of losing a child, from conception to age 18.
Phone: 08 8948 5311
Website: www.ambernt.org.au
Cost: Free
Provides a variety of psychological, health and wellbeing services to children, young people, inidviduals and their families across the psychological and developmental therapeutic space.
Phone: 0422 909 291
Website: https://theflourishcollective.com.au/
Fees: Please call for further information
Territory-based service providing assessment, diagnosis and therapy services. Work with individuals, families, groups, organisations, and members of the Armed Forces (Dept. of Defence). Services include:
Phone: 0477 000 545
Website: www.myhealth1st.com.au
Cost: The cost can be covered by Medicare rebates, Short Term Therapies , Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
Wisemind Psychology is collaborative, client-focused, and sensitive to the varied needs of individuals. Psychology programs specialise in assisting clients improve the overall quality of their thinking, emotions, behaviour and functioning by offering high quality, ethical and evidence-based therapeutic treatments. Individual psychotherapy and counselling for:
Phone: 08 8981 5605
Website: www.wisemind.com.au
Cost: The cost can be covered by Medicare rebates, STT, Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
Provides telehealth and in person counselling to adults who have experienced childhood trauma and associated mental health and relationship issues.
The following evidence-based therapeutic interventions are available at Gray Matter:
Phone: 0447 227 007
Website: www.graymattertherapy.com.au
Cost: Individual appointment: $210 (eligibility for a medical rebate of $81.90 if there is a GP mental health care plan. Online supervision: $180hrs for social work students and allied health professional
Provides an extensive range of psychological treatment and assessment services in Darwin and across the Northern Territory. Clinicians (both Psychologists and Social Workers) bring a wealth of experience to both therapy and assessment work, with the ability to offer both face to face and tele-health services. Services include:
Phone: 0428 419 582
Website: www.psychsolutionsnt.com.au
Territory Psychology provides supports for adults, and adolescents, both within an individual counselling setting and within group training settings. Services include:
Phone: 0419 250 853
Website: www.territorypsychology.com.au
Cost: Fee calculated based on an individual circumstances
Progressive provider of psychological, vocational rehabilitation and pain management services with a fresh, innovative approach to reducing the impact of health issues on the productivity of businesses and individuals.
Industry Health Solutions offer a range of services in the Darwin Region including:
Phone: Free call - 1800 432 303
Website: www.industryhealthsolutions.com
Cost: $240 medical rebate is $86 and a mental health care plan from GP To access the Medicare rebate. Will provide for 6-10 session a year.
Holistic mental health service that considers biological, psychological, social and cultural health of the whole person, including their worldview, beliefs, relationships, roles, and community. Services include:
Phone: 08 8901 2524
Website: www.psychplus.com.au
Cost: Fee based on recommended fee, client circumstances, and clinician training and level of experience
Offers evidence-based psychological and therapeutic services that are easily accessible and conducted through face-to-face and Telehealth using secure video and telephone consultations. Our flexible work hours ensure accessible quality mental health care that fits with your family schedule or from the comfort of your home. Support available for:
Phone: 0439 040 711
Website: www.topcarepsychology.com.au
Cost: $250/session
Phoenix Consulting is a general psychology practice operating in Darwin. Supporting people with general psychological issues such as anxiety, depression and relationships.
Phone: 08 8948 4444
Website: www.onephoenix.com.au
Provides culturally appropriate, comprehensive primary health care and community services to Biluru (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) people in the Yilli Rreung (greater Darwin) region of the Northern Territory.
They provide:
Phone: 08 8942 5400
Website: www.ddhs.org.au
Works with people who are having difficulties with alcohol, other drugs, gambling and related mental health concerns. Also provides counselling to family members or friends of a person who appears to be experiencing harms from their behaviour.
Phone: (08) 8944 6565
Website: www.amity.org.au
Cost: Free
Local organisation providing responsive services and targeted advocacy for the people of the Northern Territory.
Through the Resolve service, qualified counsellors work with families, couples and individuals to explore solutions to personal and relationship problems and other challenges.
Tailored sessions can be arranged for children and young people following the principles of Child Focused Practice.
Website: www.anglicare-nt.org.au
Phone: (08) 8946 4800
Cost: Fees will be negotiated at your first appointment.
Offer a range of services for adults and families and youth. CAAPS proudly provides support around:
Phone: (08) 8922 4800
1800 894 800 - Free call (NT Only)
Website: www.caaps.org.au
Cost: Free
Provides free and confidential counselling for women and children (girls and boys aged 5 to 17) who have experienced sexual assault at any time in their lives.
Phone: (08) 8945 0155
Website: https://rubygaea.net.au/
Strengthening and empowering people and communities to make difficult situations more manageable. They provide a wide range of support such as:
Phone: 08 8944 2000
Website: www.catholiccarent.org.au
Cost: Free
Offers programs that support mental health and wellbeing for individuals and communities. These include early intervention services, crisis support, and case management for people who are experiencing mental health issues or at risk of developing mental health challenges. Services include:
Phone: NT Office: 08 8935 0900
Website: www.missionaustralia.com.au
Cost: Free
Darwin Medicare Mental Health Centre is a safe, welcoming and inclusive support service for those experiencing challenges with their mental health, as well as their families and carers. They provide:
Phone: (08) 8914 6600
Website: https://www.neaminational.org.au/services/darwin-head-to-health/
Cost: Free
Programs are aimed at preventing the transmission of blood borne viruses and have been developed to provide services, support and preventative initiatives with and for their priority
populations. Services include:
Phone: (08) 8944 7777 - Darwin
(08) 8953 3172 - Alice Springs
Website: www.ntahc.org.au
Cost: Free
Offers a range of counselling and wellbeing services across the Northern Territory, designed to deliver informal, easily accessible and culturally appropriate support to empower a positive understanding and attitude towards better life choices. Supports include:
Phone: 08 7915 7001
Website: www.saltbushnt.org.au
Cost: Free
TeamHEALTH have a variety of supports available for adults aged 16 to 65 who are living with a mental illness or are experiencing mental health concerns. Support programs include:
Phone: 08 8943 9600
Website: www.teamhealth.asn.au
Cost: Free
Provides counselling and human resource consulting to improve productivity and well-being in Northern Territory organisations.
Services include:
Phone: 08 8941 1752
Website: www.easa.org.au
Cost: Fees depends on individual circumstances
MIFANT provides recovery-based support to people with a mental illness, their families and carers and also early intervention to children and young people at risk of developing a mental illness.
MIFANT also provide a range of NDIS services for people with a mental illness including:
Phone: 08 8948 1051
Website: www.mifant.org.au
Cost: Free
DIMS began as a Family Violence Prevention and Healing program, that established into an organisation that has Indigenous male staff delivering programs and services to Indigenous male clients to help improve their social and emotional well-being. Supports include:
Phone: 08 8947 7188
Website: www.dims.org.au
Cost: Free
Offers a range of counselling, mediation and well-being supports. Services include:
Phone: 1300 458 600
Website: www.nt.relationships.org.au
Cost: Subsidised on income sliding scale
The Mates4Mates Veteran & Family Wellbeing Centre in Stuart Park, includes clinical services, a gym, a veterans’ lounge, as well as a space for social connection activities. Local ex-service organisations also deliver services within the centre, providing an easier approach for veterans and their families to receive more support, more often.
Phone: 08 7943 2800
Website: www.mates4mates.org
Cost: Free for veterans and their families
Provides mental health and wellbeing support to anyone who has served at least one day of continuous fulltime service in the ADF and their immediate families.
Open Arms also offers a range of free group programs to assist the serving and ex-serving community, as well as their families.
Support available 24 hours a day.
Phone: 1800 011 046
Website: www.openarms.gov.au
Cost: Free for veterans and their families
Organisation delivering holistic support services that enable current and former Australian Defence Force personnel, and their families, to lead meaningful civilian lives
Provides free programs and services around:
Phone: 1300 620 380
Website: www.soldieron.org.au
Cost: Free for veterans and their families
headspace Darwin provides 'no wrong door' advice and support for young people aged 12 to 25 in the Darwin and Palmerston region. By registering for support, you will receive contact to discuss your options whether that be at headspace Darwin or within our community. Can support with:
Website: www.headspace.org.au/darwin
Phone: (08) 8931 5999
Fee: Free
First Nations led business that blends the life experiences of its mentors with leading edge trauma informed neuroscience.
Gaining the ability to reflect and regulate to make decisions and using stress to build resilience is a key component of session delivery. Uses basketball to interact and give some life lessons. Additional information:
Phone: 0431 428 767
Website: www.hoops4health.org
Fee: Fee for service - please call for more information.
Provides support to Territorians through the experience and grief of losing a child, from conception to age 18.
Phone: 08 8948 5311
Website: www.ambernt.org.au
Cost: Free
Provides a variety of psychological, health and wellbeing services to children, young people, inidviduals and their families across the psychological and developmental therapeutic space.
Phone: 0422 909 291
Website: https://theflourishcollective.com.au/
Fees: Please call for further information
Territory-based service providing assessment, diagnosis and therapy services. Work with individuals, families, groups, organisations, and members of the Armed Forces (Dept. of Defence). Services include:
Phone: 0477 000 545
Website: www.myhealth1st.com.au
Cost: The cost can be covered by Medicare rebates, Short Term Therapies , Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
Wisemind Psychology is collaborative, client-focused, and sensitive to the varied needs of individuals. Psychology programs specialise in assisting clients improve the overall quality of their thinking, emotions, behaviour and functioning by offering high quality, ethical and evidence-based therapeutic treatments. Individual psychotherapy and counselling for:
Phone: 08 8981 5605
Website: www.wisemind.com.au
Cost: The cost can be covered by Medicare rebates, STT, Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
Provides telehealth and in person counselling to adults who have experienced childhood trauma and associated mental health and relationship issues.
The following evidence-based therapeutic interventions are available at Gray Matter:
Phone: 0447 227 007
Website: www.graymattertherapy.com.au
Cost: Individual appointment: $210 (eligibility for a medical rebate of $81.90 if there is a GP mental health care plan. Online supervision: $180hrs for social work students and allied health professional
Provides an extensive range of psychological treatment and assessment services in Darwin and across the Northern Territory. Clinicians (both Psychologists and Social Workers) bring a wealth of experience to both therapy and assessment work, with the ability to offer both face to face and tele-health services. Services include:
Phone: 0428 419 582
Website: www.psychsolutionsnt.com.au
Territory Psychology provides supports for adults, and adolescents, both within an individual counselling setting and within group training settings. Services include:
Phone: 0419 250 853
Website: www.territorypsychology.com.au
Cost: Fee calculated based on an individual circumstances
Progressive provider of psychological, vocational rehabilitation and pain management services with a fresh, innovative approach to reducing the impact of health issues on the productivity of businesses and individuals.
Industry Health Solutions offer a range of services in the Darwin Region including:
Phone: Free call - 1800 432 303
Website: www.industryhealthsolutions.com
Cost: $240 medical rebate is $86 and a mental health care plan from GP To access the Medicare rebate. Will provide for 6-10 session a year.
Holistic mental health service that considers biological, psychological, social and cultural health of the whole person, including their worldview, beliefs, relationships, roles, and community. Services include:
Phone: 08 8901 2524
Website: www.psychplus.com.au
Cost: Fee based on recommended fee, client circumstances, and clinician training and level of experience
Offers evidence-based psychological and therapeutic services that are easily accessible and conducted through face-to-face and Telehealth using secure video and telephone consultations. Our flexible work hours ensure accessible quality mental health care that fits with your family schedule or from the comfort of your home. Support available for:
Phone: 0439 040 711
Website: www.topcarepsychology.com.au
Cost: $250/session
Phoenix Consulting is a general psychology practice operating in Darwin. Supporting people with general psychological issues such as anxiety, depression and relationships.
Phone: 08 8948 4444
Website: www.onephoenix.com.au
Finding my local community mental health service has helped me deal with my grief.
I try to stay busy if something is playing on my mind.
The simple things, like going out for coffee or reading a book, calm me down.
Listening to music, being outdoors, and talking to friends makes me feel good.
Moving my body, walking, running, dancing, doing yoga and Pilates really boosts my endorphins and helps me connect to my breathing, which relaxes me.
I used to be really ashamed and embarrassed about my poor mental health, but after speaking to family about it, I don’t feel like that anymore.
Having a yarn with mates is the best medicine.
Northern Territory Primary Health Network acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the lands and seas on which we live and work, and pay our respects to elders past, present and emerging
Northern Territory PHN aims to keep the information provided on this website current, however we do not necessarily endorse or have responsibility over the health services we may link to, and we cannot guarantee the accuracy, currency or completeness of the information provided.
© 2020. Northern Territory PHN
Website designed and developed by Captovate