If you are unsure or would like some help to find a service that is right for you, contact the service navigation line at Head to Health
headspace Alice Springs provides free and confidential services to young people 12-25 years olds for mental health Services and offer supports to their parents, carers or family, Services include:
Congress clincal switch (freecall): 1800 142 900
Other congress programs & admin: (08) 8958 4544
Website: headspace.org.au
Cost: Free, bulk-billed through medicare except for some specific items
Counselling, Information and Education
Sandstone Therapy Centre provide services which support access, equity and safety to all clients, including a structured program to individuals, families and groups.
Providing social, therapeutic and practical support with counselling services, information and education for those affected by alcohol, other drugs.
Other services include
Phone: 08 8952 5899
Website: sandstonetherapy.org.au
Cost: Counselling services depands on individual circumstances Supervision session: $110
Pathways to Recovery
MHACA is a community-managed organisation offering a range of psychosocial support services and health promotion initiatives to enhance the mental health and wellbeing of people living in Central Australia. Our services include:
Phone: 08 8950 4600
Website: www.mhaca.org.au
Cost: Free
Social and Emotional Wellbeing (APY Lands)
MHACA is a community-managed organisation offering a range of psychosocial support services and health promotion initiatives to enhance the mental health and wellbeing of people living in Central Australia. Our services include:
Phone: 08 8958 2345
Website: www.npywc.org.au
Cost: Free
Social and Emotional Wellbeing (APY Lands)
The Social and Emotional Wellbeing (APY Lands) project is embedded in a multidisciplinary team as part of the broader comprehensive primary health care activity of the Provider which delivers a range of public health programmes.Our mental health nurses who are based on the APY Land, manage the care of patients who have a mental illness, perform case management work, liaise with other service providers on the APY Lands, services include:
In addition, Nganampa Health Council employs a social worker to provide social support to patients which can include patients with mental health issues. This position is based in Alice Springs and much of the support is provided in Alice Springs
Phone: Umuwa (08 8954 9040) / Alice Spring (08 8952 2299)
Website: www.nganampahealth.com.au
Cost: Free through medicare bulk-bill
Social and Emotional Wellbeing
Pintupi Homelands Health Service Aboriginal Corporation (PHHSAC) is the current Primary Health Service in Walungurru (Kintore) Community. PHHSAC offers services in mental health through Social and Emotional wellbeing programs.
PHHSAC also has visiting services such as:
Phone : Pintupi homelands health services: 08 8956 8577
Website: www.pintupihealth.com.au
MiTrack, Carers Support, Cool Program, OurPlace
MIFANT provides recovery based support to people with a mental illness, their families and carers and also early intervention to children and young people at risk of developing a mental illness.
The MiTrack Program in Alice Springs, provides comprehensive support to children and youth, helping them build resilience and develop healthy coping strategies for life's challenges. This program is a free service available to children, young people, and their families, emphasizing the importance of early intervention in preventing mental health issues from developing or worsening. We focus on identifying concerns early, ensuring that young people receive the support they need.
Our approach includes:
Phone: 08 8950 4100
Website: www.mifant.org.au
Cost: Free
Councelling, Social and Emotional Wellbeing
Relationships Australia NT offer a range of counselling, mediation and wellbeing supports in Central Australia, Services include:
Phone: 1300 458 600
Website: www.nt.relationships.org.au
Cost: Subsidised on income sliding scale
Mental Health & Wellbeing Service
Our team, made up of psychologists, mental health nurses, social workers and Aboriginal community liaison officers, that provides culturally-appropriate emotional and wellbeing support to outback communities.
We provide short- or long-term support for times of mild distress, or more in-depth support and care coordination for conditions such as anxiety, depression and more complex illnesses.
Based out of Alice Springs, our Mental Health & Wellbeing Service regularly travels to remote communities and stations in Central Australia to provide one-on-one support and group programs.
Phone: (08) 8958 8602
Website: www.flyingdoctor.org.au
Cost: Free
Counselling, Training, Mediation
Employee Assistance Service Australia (EASA) provides counselling and human resource consulting to improve productivity and well-being in Northern Territory organisations. EASA provide comprehensive and accessible psychological support, and organisational capacity development services throughout the Territory, services include:
Phone: 08 8953 4225
Website: www.easa.org.au
Cost: Free when through an EAP program or with referral from GP
Social and Emotional Wellbeing
Congress’ Social & Emotional Wellbeing (SEWB) services can help you with social, emotional and cultural wellbeing (feeling safe and happy) and relationships with your mob. They can give you support if you are depressed, anxious, worried or stressed.
You can yarn about your life and worries with a psychologist who will help you by working with you on a treatment plan and program. We can get translators to help with language if you need.
Our Child & Youth Assessment & Therapeutic program is a multidisciplinary allied health service which assesses, diagnoses & treats Aboriginal children & youth, aged 0–18 years, with neurodevelopmental, speech & language development disorders, including Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).
Phone: 08 8959 4750
Website: www.caac.org.au
Cost: Free
Short Term Therapies
Catholic Care offer a number of services to children and families in Central Australia, their services include:
Phone: 08 8958 2400
Website: www.catholiccarent.org.au
Cost: Free
Care and support program
The Care & Support program offers a range of services to support and empower all people affected by or at risk of blood borne viruses, to lead a healthy life that is free of stigma and discrimination. Any person, along with their families, partners or friends are eligible to access the Care & Support program that offers a safe, confidential and non-judgmental space for clients to chat with staff about their health and wellbeing concerns. This can include but not limited to:
Our LGBTI Living Well Program was designed and developed support people in the Northern Territory who experience life as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Intersex (LGBTI) through a range of varied and focused activities that improve social and emotional wellbeing outcomes.
Phone: 08 8944 7777 - Darwin
Website: w ww.ntahc.org.au
Short Term Therapies
Short-term therapies provide psychological therapies to vulnerable people experiencing mild to moderate mental illness, and to those who have attempted or are at risk of suicide.
For the short-term therapies (STT) program, there are 2 main streams for referral depending on the individual’s mental health needs.
Stream 1: Psychological therapies
Stream 2: Suicide prevention
Website: www.ntphn.org
Phone: 0401 377 932
Fee: free with referral and mental health care plan
Employee Assistance Program
Solace Consulting offer mental health support tailored to individuals needs, our team is dedicated to supporting you on your journey with a broad spectrum of concerns.
We address issues including:
Our services include:
Website: wwsolaceconsulting.com.au
Phone: 1800 931 265
Cost: fees covered through employee assistance program or through mental health care plan referral from GP
headspace Alice Springs provides free and confidential services to young people 12-25 years olds for mental health Services and offer supports to their parents, carers or family, Services include:
Congress clincal switch (freecall): 1800 142 900
Other congress programs & admin: (08) 8958 4544
Website: headspace.org.au
Cost: Free, bulk-billed through medicare except for some specific items
Counselling, Information and Education
Sandstone Therapy Centre provide services which support access, equity and safety to all clients, including a structured program to individuals, families and groups.
Providing social, therapeutic and practical support with counselling services, information and education for those affected by alcohol, other drugs.
Other services include
Phone: 08 8952 5899
Website: sandstonetherapy.org.au
Cost: Counselling services depands on individual circumstances Supervision session: $110
Pathways to Recovery
MHACA is a community-managed organisation offering a range of psychosocial support services and health promotion initiatives to enhance the mental health and wellbeing of people living in Central Australia. Our services include:
Phone: 08 8950 4600
Website: www.mhaca.org.au
Cost: Free
Social and Emotional Wellbeing (APY Lands)
MHACA is a community-managed organisation offering a range of psychosocial support services and health promotion initiatives to enhance the mental health and wellbeing of people living in Central Australia. Our services include:
Phone: 08 8958 2345
Website: www.npywc.org.au
Cost: Free
Social and Emotional Wellbeing (APY Lands)
The Social and Emotional Wellbeing (APY Lands) project is embedded in a multidisciplinary team as part of the broader comprehensive primary health care activity of the Provider which delivers a range of public health programmes.Our mental health nurses who are based on the APY Land, manage the care of patients who have a mental illness, perform case management work, liaise with other service providers on the APY Lands, services include:
In addition, Nganampa Health Council employs a social worker to provide social support to patients which can include patients with mental health issues. This position is based in Alice Springs and much of the support is provided in Alice Springs
Phone: Umuwa (08 8954 9040) / Alice Spring (08 8952 2299)
Website: www.nganampahealth.com.au
Cost: Free through medicare bulk-bill
Social and Emotional Wellbeing
Pintupi Homelands Health Service Aboriginal Corporation (PHHSAC) is the current Primary Health Service in Walungurru (Kintore) Community. PHHSAC offers services in mental health through Social and Emotional wellbeing programs.
PHHSAC also has visiting services such as:
Phone : Pintupi homelands health services: 08 8956 8577
Website: www.pintupihealth.com.au
MiTrack, Carers Support, Cool Program, OurPlace
MIFANT provides recovery based support to people with a mental illness, their families and carers and also early intervention to children and young people at risk of developing a mental illness.
The MiTrack Program in Alice Springs, provides comprehensive support to children and youth, helping them build resilience and develop healthy coping strategies for life's challenges. This program is a free service available to children, young people, and their families, emphasizing the importance of early intervention in preventing mental health issues from developing or worsening. We focus on identifying concerns early, ensuring that young people receive the support they need.
Our approach includes:
Phone: 08 8950 4100
Website: www.mifant.org.au
Cost: Free
Councelling, Social and Emotional Wellbeing
Relationships Australia NT offer a range of counselling, mediation and wellbeing supports in Central Australia, Services include:
Phone: 1300 458 600
Website: www.nt.relationships.org.au
Cost: Subsidised on income sliding scale
Mental Health & Wellbeing Service
Our team, made up of psychologists, mental health nurses, social workers and Aboriginal community liaison officers, that provides culturally-appropriate emotional and wellbeing support to outback communities.
We provide short- or long-term support for times of mild distress, or more in-depth support and care coordination for conditions such as anxiety, depression and more complex illnesses.
Based out of Alice Springs, our Mental Health & Wellbeing Service regularly travels to remote communities and stations in Central Australia to provide one-on-one support and group programs.
Phone: (08) 8958 8602
Website: www.flyingdoctor.org.au
Cost: Free
Counselling, Training, Mediation
Employee Assistance Service Australia (EASA) provides counselling and human resource consulting to improve productivity and well-being in Northern Territory organisations. EASA provide comprehensive and accessible psychological support, and organisational capacity development services throughout the Territory, services include:
Phone: 08 8953 4225
Website: www.easa.org.au
Cost: Free when through an EAP program or with referral from GP
Social and Emotional Wellbeing
Congress’ Social & Emotional Wellbeing (SEWB) services can help you with social, emotional and cultural wellbeing (feeling safe and happy) and relationships with your mob. They can give you support if you are depressed, anxious, worried or stressed.
You can yarn about your life and worries with a psychologist who will help you by working with you on a treatment plan and program. We can get translators to help with language if you need.
Our Child & Youth Assessment & Therapeutic program is a multidisciplinary allied health service which assesses, diagnoses & treats Aboriginal children & youth, aged 0–18 years, with neurodevelopmental, speech & language development disorders, including Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).
Phone: 08 8959 4750
Website: www.caac.org.au
Cost: Free
Short Term Therapies
Catholic Care offer a number of services to children and families in Central Australia, their services include:
Phone: 08 8958 2400
Website: www.catholiccarent.org.au
Cost: Free
Care and support program
The Care & Support program offers a range of services to support and empower all people affected by or at risk of blood borne viruses, to lead a healthy life that is free of stigma and discrimination. Any person, along with their families, partners or friends are eligible to access the Care & Support program that offers a safe, confidential and non-judgmental space for clients to chat with staff about their health and wellbeing concerns. This can include but not limited to:
Our LGBTI Living Well Program was designed and developed support people in the Northern Territory who experience life as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Intersex (LGBTI) through a range of varied and focused activities that improve social and emotional wellbeing outcomes.
Phone: 08 8944 7777 - Darwin
Website: w ww.ntahc.org.au
Short Term Therapies
Short-term therapies provide psychological therapies to vulnerable people experiencing mild to moderate mental illness, and to those who have attempted or are at risk of suicide.
For the short-term therapies (STT) program, there are 2 main streams for referral depending on the individual’s mental health needs.
Stream 1: Psychological therapies
Stream 2: Suicide prevention
Website: www.ntphn.org
Phone: 0401 377 932
Fee: free with referral and mental health care plan
Employee Assistance Program
Solace Consulting offer mental health support tailored to individuals needs, our team is dedicated to supporting you on your journey with a broad spectrum of concerns.
We address issues including:
Our services include:
Website: wwsolaceconsulting.com.au
Phone: 1800 931 265
Cost: fees covered through employee assistance program or through mental health care plan referral from GP
Finding my local community mental health service has helped me deal with my grief.
I try to stay busy if something is playing on my mind.
The simple things, like going out for coffee or reading a book, calm me down.
Listening to music, being outdoors, and talking to friends makes me feel good.
Moving my body, walking, running, dancing, doing yoga and Pilates really boosts my endorphins and helps me connect to my breathing, which relaxes me.
I used to be really ashamed and embarrassed about my poor mental health, but after speaking to family about it, I don’t feel like that anymore.
Having a yarn with mates is the best medicine.
Northern Territory Primary Health Network acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the lands and seas on which we live and work, and pay our respects to elders past, present and emerging
Northern Territory PHN aims to keep the information provided on this website current, however we do not necessarily endorse or have responsibility over the health services we may link to, and we cannot guarantee the accuracy, currency or completeness of the information provided.
© 2020. Northern Territory PHN
Website designed and developed by Captovate