Tips to look after you

Support can be found in simple things we do every day.
Mental Health NT socially

Connect socially

Connect with your community, neighbours, friends and family in meaningful ways. Share a meal, play sport, offer to help ,or ask for help when you need. 

Mental Health NT cultural

Share cultural activities

In the NT, activities like hunting and sharing cultural practices are important for community wellbeing.

Mental Health NT active

Be active

Gentle exercise and movement can help improve your mood and keep the body strong.

Mental Health NT alcohol

Cut back on alcohol

Cutting back on alcohol or drugs can have positive effects on your mental health. Try to set a goal of reducing your drinks per week.

Mental Health NT eat well

Eat well

A healthy body can also mean a healthy mind. Eat local fruits, vegetables and whole foods, and avoid processed food. The NT has plenty of great local markets to buy produce from.

Mental Health NT meditation

Practise mindfulness & meditation

Slowing down and practicing mindfulness can be as simple as setting a timer on your phone for five minutes and watching the view out your window or favourite nature spot. 

Mental Health NT sleep

Get plenty of sleep

On average, people need 7 – 9 hours sleep per night. Minimise your screen time (time on your computer or phone) at night time to help your body rest. 

Mental Health NT outdoors

Get outdoors

Connecting with nature has been proven to boost your mood and wellbeing. Try going for a short walk and enjoy the fresh air.

Mental Health NT screentime

Reduce screen time

Stepping away from your screens and spending time outdoors or with others can help boost your mental health.

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